Believe His Prophets, So Shall Ye Prosper

Our Chief Apostle and Prophet, Samuel Demetrius James, II, born to Samuel and Ethel Thompson James, was pre-ordained from his mother’s womb a chosen vessel and Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Founder, President, Senior Bishop, and Chief Executive Officer of S.D James Evangelistic Association, Inc. and it’s Pentecostal Churches...

Our Community Outreach Programs Are For Everyone

Please make sure you check our Calendar for any upcoming events involving our Community Outreach programs. All Nations is fully engaged in reaching souls through community events.  There is a need to reach out to individuals that have been lost or injured through the evil works of this world.  Our Goal is to ultimately bring them in to the house of the Lord...

Our Men’s Ministry Is Growing

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” The Goal of our Men’s Ministry is to build better men, better sons, better husbands and better fathers.  Our Men’s Ministry is increasing in size and we are excited about what God is doing and will continue to do with our Mighty Men. Our objectives as...

Women’s Meetings Once a Month

Our Women’s Ministry is growing and on fire.  These mighty ‘WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE’ are determined to become true women of God who believe and stand on the Word of God. These Women strive to be godly and are not loud, boisterous or clamorous.  They possess the characteristics of Peter’s writing in 1 Peter 3:3-4: “Do not let...

Welcome to All Nations Church of God by Faith, EPC

We are under the leadership of Pastors Rhunette and Wayne Wells, as well as Co-Pastor Alvin Williams. All Nations Church of God by Faith EPC is committed to serving the needs of those around us.  With the understanding that the church is God’s channel through which He ministers to the world we reaffirm our mission to minister to the holistic person...